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The Malta Property Show

Building a Safer Malta: OHSA’s Vital Role in Shaping a Thriving Construction Industry

21 Jun,  2024

The Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) in Malta plays a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being of workers across all sectors, with a particular focus on high-risk industries such as construction. As a key sponsor of the upcoming Malta Property Show, which is being held at the MFCC between 27 June and 7 July, OHSA aims to highlight the critical importance of workplace safety in building a stronger, more resilient Maltese economy.

In the dynamic world of construction and property development, OHSA serves as the cornerstone of progress, ensuring that every project is built on a foundation of safety and best practices. By setting and enforcing stringent safety standards, OHSA not only protects the invaluable human capital that drives Malta’s growth but also fosters an environment of innovation and efficiency. Visitors to OHSA’s stand at the Malta Property Show will discover how health and safety protocols can seamlessly integrate with project timelines, leading to enhanced productivity and superior project outcomes.

The impact of OHSA’s work extends far beyond individual worksites, contributing significantly to the overall quality of life in Malta. A robust occupational health and safety framework translates into reduced healthcare costs, increased worker satisfaction, and a more attractive investment climate for international businesses. By prioritising health and safety, the construction industry can help creating not just buildings but also safer communities and a more prosperous future for all Maltese citizens. As OHSA continues to champion workplace safety, their presence at the Malta Property Show is an epitome of their mission statement of working with others to ensure healthier and safer workplaces in Malta.

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