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The Malta Property Show

The Ministry of Justice | The Malta Property Show

24 Jun,  2024

The Ministry responsible for Justice and Reform of the Construction Industry recognizes the work done by Malta Delevopment Association and its partners towards this first Malta Property Show.

As a Ministry we are committed to continue working closely with all players in this sector.

We are currently in the process of implementing a series of reforms that will strengthen the Government’s approach to this industry and help future proof it whilst striking a balance between the protection of 3rd parties and their right to safety – and the enablement of all serious and law-abiding practitioners and companies of this sector.

We are also focusing on continuing to improve the experience of those who seek the assistance of OHSA and the BCA.

This will be facilitated with the introduction of a new act to regulate the Health and Safety at work and via a new 24-hour helpline which will soon be launched.

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