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The Malta Property Show

Meet the Environment and Resources Authority at the Malte Property Show

24 Jun,  2024

The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) is the leading regulatory body on selected environmental legislation in Malta, with the main aim of safeguarding the environment for a sustainable quality of life.

ERA is committed to address environmental concerns and promote sustainable development by conserving the natural environment of the Maltese Islands, working in tandem with all the other regulatory and implementing entities addressing the environment. ERA’s work revolves around shaping relevant policies and ensuring their effective implementation through coordination with other entities and enforcement. ERA’s responsibilities span on three main areas: permitting and assessment; environmental evaluation and policy drafting; and compliance and enforcement.

The Authority continuously monitors the environment assessing its status, and developing strategies and plans, where applicable, to guide the relevant management. ERA also works hand-in-hand with other public and regional entities as well as NGOs to achieve this objective.

ERA also plays a role in the assessment of certain development applications and related assessments. It also issues environmental permits while overseeing works being conducted by other private and public entities in both natural and built environments.

The mission of ERA is intended to promote better sustainable practices and foster environmental stewardship for the benefit of present and future generations. Participating in the Malta Property Show aligns with ERA’s communication objectives both for the general public and for industry. The property show offers an ideal opportunity to provide us with the views of this relevant sector and at the same time showcase ERA’s work specifically those works related to environmental permitting and assessments.

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