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The Malta Property Show

Meet ARMS Ltd at the Malta Property Show

21 Jun,  2024

ARMS Ltd is a private limited liability company, set up as a joint venture between the Enemalta Corporation (EMC) and the Water Services Corporation (WSC).

In February 2009 ARMS Ltd was contracted by EMC and WSC to manage a 5-year transformation programme involving the implementation of Smart Metering Technology around the Island, as well as the implementation of new IT systems as part of a business process reengineering exercise within both Corporations.

During 2010 a number of services, which were being handled by the individual Corporations, were consolidated and transferred under the managerial responsibility of ARMS Ltd. Both Corporations will gain significant benefits by consolidating and outsourcing their meter-to-cash processes and customer contact services to ARMS Ltd. Employees managed by ARMS Ltd have the opportunity to work on leading-edge IT systems, while being provided with all the necessary training to upgrade their portfolio of skills.

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